Funding was supplied by the NIH (DA046100, AI122390, and AI120898). to preexisting immunity in human beings and...
Analysis of the Day 70 and Day 98 sera showed that while the gp140 and gp140(-) constructs...
Data were analyzed with FlowJo software program. (IgG2c>IgG1) antibodies and cytokine reactions. Moreover, IVAX-1 induces identical homo-...
Many important type II CGs were then categorized as supplementary CGs to HCV infection (6C8). Mixed CGs...
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding This research was...
To explore the immunogenicity from the chimeric H5/1 (cHA) vaccine with different glycosylation state governments, monoglycosylated cHA...
1999;225:131C143. detectable concentrations of IL-6, IL-10, IL-8, and IL-12 on cycle days 9 and 20. The proposed...
Sera antibodies (used in dilution of 1 1:1000) bound to epitopes were recognized by anti-human IgG secondary...
To centrifugation at 17 Prior,000for 20?min, NaCl was put into 150?mM, MgCl2 to 2?mM, and imidazole to...