4C and D). blood sugar fat burning capacity with 2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) in conjunction with metformin (Met) reverted...
After 48h post-transfection, the RNA degrees of and exposed that expression was increased by 11-fold and 13-fold...
A catheter with solution of OXi6197 was secured IP in order to avoid moving the pet during the test
A catheter with solution of OXi6197 was secured IP in order to avoid moving the pet during the test
A catheter with solution of OXi6197 was secured IP in order to avoid moving the pet during...
We then used the in vitro heterochannel approach (Shim et al., 2007; Tan et al., 2010) to...
(c), FISH analysis with chromosome 17q-specific probe on MELC-preprocessed sample BM 1.1, collected from a patient with...
In the other, a regular dose of 5 mg/kg weight was presented with for 3, 6, 9,...