created and designed the full-length antibodies and full-length antibody-CBM fusion proteins. recognition antibodies towards the check area,...
Cell Signaling
The immunofluorescent images presented in Figure 1 to find 3 were projected from Z-stacks and processed (Adobe...
The quantification from the protein content by ELISA indicated that rTvSaplip12 represented about 1
The quantification from the protein content by ELISA indicated that rTvSaplip12 represented about 1
The quantification from the protein content by ELISA indicated that rTvSaplip12 represented about 1.1% from the soluble...
Approval was extracted from the IRB from the Korea School, College of Medication (approval amount, KUGH14014-001). 3....
collected the data and F.G. of the open form of 150-loop and illustrates that the inherent flexibility...