Since urticaria resembles the lesions induced by injection of histamine or allergen into the pores and skin, a role for MC activation in the generation of urticarial lesions has been proposed [1]. Spontaneous HR from CIU donors was improved two-fold compared to normals (p=0.04). In summary, our results suggest a possible predilection for urticarial MC to spontaneously degranulate upon IgE sensitization contributing to the improved pruritis associated with CIU. Keywords: FcRI, CD34+ stem cell, transmission transduction, urticaria, mast cell Intro Urticaria is definitely a common disorder influencing up to 25% of the United States human population. Acute urticarial eruptions can be induced by allergic reactions, viral infections, or physical stimuli. If lesions recur for over 6 weeks the condition is definitely termed chronic urticaria (CU) and in the vast majority of cases no specific cause is determined, hence the term chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU). Since urticaria resembles the lesions induced by injection of histamine or allergen into the pores and skin, F3 a role for MC activation in the generation of urticarial lesions has been proposed [1]. Earlier studies possess indicated that pores and skin MC have heightened releasability to compound 48/80 in active CU that resolves in disease remission while subjects with both active and inactive CU demonstrate hyperreleasability to codeine sulfate [1; 2]. Although several groups have explained the presence of circulating antibodies to IgE or the alpha subunit of the high affinity IgE receptor (FcRI ) in up to 40% of CIU subjects [3; 4] their part in disease pathogenesis remains controversial[5]. Phosphoinositide lipid phosphatases are well-established as bad regulators of hematopoietic cell activation, survival and proliferation[6]. In particular, Src homology 2 (SH2)- made up of inositol phosphatase (SHIP-1) is known to associate with the FcRI subunit and is activated upon activation of rodent MC with supraoptimal concentrations of antigen or IgE [7; 8]. MC of SHIP-1 knockout mice more readily degranulated after IgE receptor Benzyl alcohol activation or even sensitization with a highly cytokinergic IgE alone [9]. Similarly, in hyper-releasable human basophils a five-fold reduction in SHIP-1 protein levels was associated with heightened response to Histamine Releasing Factor (HRF)[10]. SHIP-1 has also been shown to have a regulatory role in the kinetics of IgE-mediated signaling and mediator release in primary Benzyl alcohol human basophils [11]. Moreover, a homologous protein, SHIP-2, has been found to limit MC degranulation as well as IL-4 and IL-13 gene expression upon FcRI activation that is impartial of Benzyl alcohol SHIP-1 actions [12]. We have reported that changes in the amount of FcRI signaling molecules contributes to the changes in releasability of urticarial basophils observed by other investigators and ourselves [13; 14; 15; 16; 17]. We have previously compared anti-IgE-induced histamine release from CIU basophils to their corresponding SHIP-1 and SHIP-2 levels. We have noted that CIU subjects basophils can be divided on the degree of histamine release after optimal anti-IgE activation (0.1 mg/ml) into anti-IgE responders (> 10% HR) or non-responders (<10% HR) [14]. In parallel, we have demonstrated that SHIP-2 is increased in the basophils of CIU anti-IgE non-responders (CIU NR) whereas SHIP-1 levels are reduced in the CIU anti-IgE responder (CIU R) donors Degranulation in human basophils appears to be very sensitive to the amount of cellular SHIP-1 as 49% knockdown of SHIP-1 protein in basophils cultured from CD34+ stem cells was sufficient to enhance HRF-mediated HR [18]. Furthermore, if the changes in expression of SHIP-1 or SHIP-2 proteins are functional they should be inversely proportional to the cellular phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5 trisphosphate concentration ([PI 3,4,5 P3]) after anti-IgE activation of the CIU basophils. In fact the heightened SHIP-2 expression observed in CIU NR basophils compared to normal basophils results in decreased anti-IgE-induced Akt phosphorylation, a surrogate measure of cellular [PI 3,4,5 P3] [14]. In addition, CIU R basophils were found to have constitutive phosphorylation of Akt consistent with their reduced expression of SHIP-1. Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) is usually recruited to the FcRI and.
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November 25, 2024