The Auto-Abs against the three proteins have high specificity, as indicated by the statistically significant stronger binding towards the peptides containing the three 6-mers (see Figure 1, -panel B and Outcomes) and by the IgG binding to 15-aa longer peptides containing the 6-mer epitopes flanked by irrelevant GS repeats (Figure S1) 4 min read Sigma2 Receptors The Auto-Abs against the three proteins have high specificity, as indicated by the statistically significant stronger binding towards the peptides containing the three 6-mers (see Figure 1, -panel B and Outcomes) and by the IgG binding to 15-aa longer peptides containing the 6-mer epitopes flanked by irrelevant GS repeats (Figure S1) cmerp February 19, 2023 The Auto-Abs against the three proteins have high specificity, as indicated by the statistically significant stronger binding...Read More