As expected, there was a significantly increased risk of death within 90?d after the analysis of AKI with this cohort. 13 (18.8%) in the high-cFLC group. KaplanCMeier analysis revealed that the two groups differed significantly with respect to 90-d survival (log-rank checks or the KruskalCWallis IPI-549 test, respectively, as appropriate. Spearman correlations were undertaken to analyze the correlation between cFLC levels and other variables. KaplanCMeier analyses were used to assess the variations in surviving proportions between the high cFLC group and the low cFLC group. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under the curves (AUCs) were used to compare the predictability of the FLC levels for the 90-d mortality. To determine the relative risks of all-cause death, risk ratios (HRs) were acquired using Cox proportional risk models after controlling for confounding variables. Univariate Cox regression was performed to identify potential confounding variables, including comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and hypertension), surgery method, SOFA scores, and biochemical guidelines. The multivariable Cox regression model consisted of variables having a 24?mg/L (18.4C31.3?mg/L) and 27?mg/L (19.9C38.7?mg/L), and FLC 21.4?mg/L (14.7C32.5?mg/L) 14.1?mg/L (11.8C19.1?mg/L) and 12.8?mg/L (11.3C19.8?mg/L). Individuals with AKI stage 3 also experienced significantly raised serum concentrations of cFLC compared to those with AKI phases 1 and 2 (72.45?mg/L 37.8?mg/L and 41.6?mg/L, respectively, both individuals with phases 1 and 2 (*92.7?mg/L, Value(%)102 (70.3%)51 (67.1%)51 (73.9%).370Age, years56.0??12.755.0??12.757.1??12.7.330Comorbidities, (%)?????Hypertension72 (49.7%)36 (47.4%)36 (52.2%).563?Heart failure48 (33.1%)28 (36.8%)20 (29.0%).315?Diabetes18 (12.4%)6 (7.9%)12 (17.4%).083?Cerebrovascular disease9 (6.2%)4 (5.3%)5 (7.2%).621Operative method, (%)CCC.161?Valve78 (53.8%)46 (60.5%)32 (46.4%)C?CABG18 (12.4%)11 (14.5%)7 (10.1%)C?Aorta24 (16.6%)8 (10.5%)16 (23.2%)C?Combined11 (7.6%)4 (5.3%)7 (10.1%)C?Others14 (9.7%)7 (9.2%)7 (10.1%)CSOFA score7.69??4.116.68??3.548.80??4.42.002Cause of AKI, (%)???.127? IR67 (46.2%)30 (39.5%)37 (53.6%).088? Nephrotoxic medicines10 (6.9%)8 (10.5%)2 (2.9%).070? Sepsis7 (4.8%)5 (6.6%)2 (2.9%).302? Combined61 (42.1%)33 (43.4%)28 (40.6%).729RRT26 (17.9%)6 (7.9%)20 (29.0%).002Laboratory data?????FLC , mg/L26.8 IPI-549 (20.1, 41.6)20.3 (16.0, 23.7)43.1 (32.7, 56.5) .001?FLC , mg/L14.8 (11.9, 20.6)12.1 (10.6, 13.4)20.1 (18.1, 28.4) .001?cFLC, mg/L42.0 (31.9, 60.3)32.7 (27.8, 37.0)52.8 (50.5, 85.2) .001?/ percentage1.74 (1.43, 2.18)1.61 (1.33, 1.92)1.97 (1.57, 2.40) .001?NPY, pg/mL11.03 (7.03, 20.70)11.03 (7.03, 21.70)13.03 (7.03, 17.03).896?iPTH, pg/mL127.5 (88.0, 183.2)122.0 IPI-549 (90.8, 165.6)130.3 (59.3, 202.1).620?Creatinine, mol/L150.5 (123.0, 187.8))129.0 (115.0, 171.0)174.0 (146.0, 217.0) .001?Urea nitrogen, mmol/L14.2??17.611.0??3.517.7??25.4.027?Calcium, mmol/L2.09??0.222.09??0.202.09??0.23.905?Phosphate, mmol/L1.29??0.571.28??0.461.29??0.66.941?Albumin, g/L35.1??4.235.5??4.834.6??3.3.226?hsCRP, mg/L(A)1.50 (0.70, 4.97)1.15 (0.53, 3.58)1.90 (1.00, 9.62).032?Neutrophilic granulocyte, 109 cell/L11.9 (9.2, 14.6)11.85 (9.20, 14.20)12.2 (9.13, 15.05).952?Hemoglobin, g/L102.8??17.2105.1??17.1100.1??17.0.087 Open in a separate window cFLC: combined free light chain; AKI: acute kidney injury; CABG: coronary artery bypass graft; SOFA score: sequential organ failure assessment score; IR: ischemia reperfusion; RRT: renal alternative therapy; FLC : free light chain; FLC : free light chain; / percentage: to free light chain percentage; NPY: neuropeptide Y; iPTH: intact parathyroid hormone; hsCRP: high level of sensitivity C-reactive protein. Table 2 demonstrates cFLC correlated significantly with renal function biomarkers, serum creatinine, and urea nitrogen (rho = 0.485 and 0.559, respectively, Value40.3?mg/L, Value29%, ?=?.01). The serum creatinine at hospital discharge was available in 73 of 76 individuals in the low-cFLC group and 65 of 69 individuals in the high-cFLC group. The number of individuals with recovered renal function in the low-cFLC TNFRSF1A group was more than that in the high-cFLC group (91.8% 64.4%, 24?mg/L in the baseline [21]. On the other hand, because of the removal of FLCs from your serum by glomerular filtration, impaired renal function also results in elevation of serum cFLC concentrations [22]. In the previous studies, the median serum cFLC concentration was 36.3?mg/L in individuals with CKD stage 3 and was 210?mg/L in individuals with CKD stage 5 on hemodialysis [16,23]. With this AKI.