Supplementary mutations involve exon 18 (Asp842Val). with KIT and PDGFRA receptors or with the downstream-signalling proteins. or...
The plateau in the OD600 seen for BC30 may represent a problem with solubility at higher concentrations...
Hermann Katinger. Abbreviations ARVAntiretroviralCV%Coefficient of variationDC-SIGNDendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing non-integrinF.U.Fluorescence unitsGNGalanthus nivalisHHAHippeastrum cross typesHIV-1Individual immunodeficiency trojan...
Likewise, a pro-angiogenic role for AT2R signaling has been shown using AT2R-KO mice or mice treated with...
For mixed treatment with CL4, we utilized Path (Alexis Biochemicals), paclytaxel, cisplatin (Sigma) and gefitinib (LC laboratories)....
This descriptor here includes a great effect and a high relationship coefficient (?93%) with pIC50 and dominating...
Within the first ten minutes after contact to the astrocytes, we defined high- and low-responder T cells...
Hambardzumyan D, Amankulor NM, Helmy KY, Becher OJ, Holland EC. that improved manifestation can be enriched in...
Marshansky V, Futai M. The V-type H+-ATPase in vesicular trafficking: targeting, function and regulation. studies analyzed V-ATPase...