designed, performed and analysed and experiments; N.G. which environmental changes may rapidly alter responsiveness of striatal neurons...
Moreover, useful in vivo imaging may require several, preferably combined, and advanced imaging modalities to examine different...
Indeed, while all patients with anti-LGI-1 related disease experience cognitive impairment, the presence of other features such...
There are no treatments open to counteract BoNT/A after they have entered the neuronal cytosol. within neurons...
STAT1translocation towards the nucleus was dependant on European blotting using particular antibody against STAT1and appear to be...
After 48h post-transfection, the RNA degrees of and exposed that expression was increased by 11-fold and 13-fold...
Our case was analyzed in this series, and em /em -light chains were found in the macrophage...
Consequently, we conclude that miR-221 expression will not change the rate of p27 decay. p27Kip1 protein level...
Most patients are referred to this apex level institute from periphery for better supportive care and treatment....
The A3 element was associated with intermediate levels of all three PcG proteins, whereas relatively low PcG...